New and Fixed

Two new shots added to my Gallery. Their color is most enjoyable. :)

Seeping Bolt

I also realized that I was missing a good 20 photos from my Gallery, that has been fixed.

Lovely shade of green…

So I was out at our site my company was building, taking photos, when I spy the most lovely color dripping with the rain. I was drawn to it, taking a dozen photos.

Stepping back to reality and look at what I am so enraptures with…it’s a Power Generator by Cummins…Oy. I feel like Mrs. Potter (must see movie) and her swill bucket.


Don’t judge me. ;_;

Guude is a Sad Panda :(

I have been watching one of my favorite Youtube LP’ers (Let’s Play) Guude, lately, in particular his 404 Challenge. He references himself as a “Sad Panda” often, in regards to the challenge.

Inspiration struck me XD … ouch x.x

Joshann digital drawing sad panda guude

‘taint he just the cutest sad panda? >w<

Anyway, added to my Self Sponsored works. I sent it to him, I hope he likes it :3

Little Ol’ Big Band

I strike again, making my mark on Little Theater on the Bay, one backdrop at a time. XD

Also a poster. (With some modifications made by Wegferds, they made it … Flashier :D)

Little Ol' Big Band Poster - Great American Song Book

Both added to my portfolio! XD

It’s almost there!

I got to the point where there were no YouTube vids to distract me! *sleeves rolled up* I GOT MY PORTFOLIO UP! Woo! Look look look over to the left! See shiny *_*.

Anyway, please take advantage of the “FS” or full screen mode, and take a gander. Double-click and it will make it bigger, double-click again to make it go back. I am not sure when I will get descriptions…Click the “i” in the upper right to get info, but there might not be anything there.

I will do something with the “Portfolio” page at some point, but for now, text will do!

It’s really late >.> I’m off to bed!

Got it!

I love that moment when you hit the refresh button and it just…WORKS! I had many of those moments while fiddling with this theme. It was red, *shudder* I dislike red. But red can easily be changed to purple!

-This- btw is the theme and I am stickin’ to it! :D

Now I just need to NOT be addicted to WoW for like an hour so I can work on my site. It will happen. Maybe I should just have a link to a portfolio you can download in the mean time >.>

<— This purple btw is awesome.