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About Joshann:

photo of JoshannSpecialty: I love design, but I feel that sometimes we forget to make it functional. If I make something, I make sure to mold form and function together. I am very creative, precise, and focused. I have a great sense of space and layout and do most of my art on the computer.

Experience: I have worked at non-profits most of my career. So staying on budget is almost always on my mind.

  • Platforms: Mac OSX, Windows 8
  • Applications: Adobe Creative Cloud (Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign, Dreamweaver, Acrobat), Microsoft Office Suite (Word, Excel, Power Point), Pages, iPhoto, MindNode Pro, Joomla, WordPress, Constant Contact
  • Social Media: Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, Youtube, Google+, Tumblr
  • Websites: My website of course, and all of these sites, Click here!

Brief History:
I grew up using the computer because my father is an IT specialist. I found that over time I was drawn to creating on the computer. With so much support form my family I continued a fascinating trek that led me to graphic design.

I got an opportunity to work for a non-profit company as their graphic designer. Once they had one they realized how much they needed a designer, then developed things for me to do.

These experiences have led me understand the need for graphic designers. The work that I do has been so helpful for getting the word out about what this non-profit does; the same is true for any concept would need to be understood or learned about. That thought made me understand the power of a message, especially when it is clearly transmitted and received.

I feel that understanding the problem in front of me is key. I want people to easily understand the content in front of them. I want my art to be intuitive.